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  • Webinar lecture for Arigatou International on “M&E Interfaith Ethics Education Programs”, Arigatou International, 5 Sept. 2016.

  • Guest Professor for course, “Extensive Peace-Building and Interreligious Dialogue Experience” at Master’s Programme, UNIVERSITÀ CATTOLICA del Sacro Cuore Alta Scuola di Economia e Relazioni Internazionali (ASERI) (Graduate School of Economics and International Relations), 5-8 June 2016.

  • Webinar lecture for the KAICIID International Fellows Cohort 2016 on “Peacebuilding Theory and Terminology”, KAICIID, 28 April 2016.

  • Abu-Nimer, M. & Nasser, I. (May 2013). A presentation on conducting research on forgiveness in Arab schools. DC Interfaith Group,

  • Roundtable (with Maya Khanof). “Israeli-Palestinian Reconciliation Issues,” The USIP (September 16, 2013)

  • Facilitator, the Reflection of Race Dialogue, American University -Center for Diversity & Inclusion, (November 22, 2013)

  • Roundtable with, Inclusive Security’s network members, counter violent extremism in Pakistan Institute for Inclusive, The Institute for Inclusive Security, (September 25, 2013)

  • Lecture. “Non-Violence in Islamic Context?” Muslim Women’s Association monthly luncheon, UTC Development, Inc. (May 10, 2013)

  •  “Arab Revolutions from and nonviolence Islamic Perspective,” Roundtable discussion with the staff, Centre for Peace and Reconciliation Studies, (January 25, 2013) 

  • A seminar on nonviolence and Peace building in Islam featuring, Initiatives of Change UK in partnership, Foundation and Islamic relief. (Jan 22, 2013).

  • Moderator, International Symposium on the Hizmet Movement and peacebuilding, Rumi Forum,  Georgetown University, National Press Club, Washington, DC, (Oct 24-26, 2013).

  • Roundtable on “Lessons Learned from USIP's National Civic Education Project in Iraq.” USIP January 31, 2013

  • Presented on Islamic approaches to Peacebuilding. Sponsored by All Party Parliamentary Group on Conflict Issues, House of Parliament, and Cordoba Institute. London, UK.  January 23, 2013.

  • Lectured Conflict Transformation and Islamic Perspective. Initiative for Change (IFC) and Cordoba Institute. London. UK.  January 23, 2013.

  • Lecture on Interfaith dialogue and Israel Palestine. Georgetown Presbyterian Church. February 17, 2013

  • Lectured on Interfaith dialogue in Islam. King Abdulla Mosque Convention Center in Amman.

  • Lectured 300 Imams and Female preachers (Waethat) of the Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs- 12-3-2012

  • Presented on Interfaith Dialogue in Middle East. At a book signing event at the National Library - (The Royal Institute for Interfaith Studies Amman Jordan. 12-12-2012

  • Presented on Youth and Interfaith Dialogue. Round table with youth from Mafraq-We Are All Jordan Youth Commission. Mafraq Jordan. December 12, 2012.

  • Lectured on Interfaith Dialogue in Islam. At Al-AlBayt University, Mafraq, Jordan. December 12, 2012.

  • Presented on Interfaith Dialogue in Middle East. At Colombia University-Amman Jordan. December 11, 2012

  • Presented on Interfaith dialogue and Youth in a Round table at WE Center, Amman, Jordan. December, 11, 2012

  • Lecture on peacebuilding, Interfaith, and Media and at Jordan Media Institute – Amman, Jordan. December, 11, 2012.

  • Lectured on Interfaith dialogue in Islam at Sharia school at the University of Jordan- December, 11, 2012.

  • Presented on Interfaith Dialogue in Middle East. Al-Hussein Bin Talal University – Maan , Jordan. December 10, 2012.

  • Presented to Chaiwat Satha-Anand the annual award of El Hibri Peace Education Prize. 10-11- 2012. El Hibri Foundation, Washington DC.

  • Presented on Forgiveness research in Social Science. At the Fetzer Institute Global Gathering for Forgiveness and Reconciliation in Assisi Italy. October 22, 2012.

  • Presented on Education for Forgiveness in the Middle East. At the Fetzer Institute Global Gathering for Forgiveness and Reconciliation in Assisi Italy. October, 20, 2012.

  • Panel Presentation on: “Religion, Culture, and Interpretations of Democracy: Implications for

  • Peacebuilding” at USIP. Sponsored by Conflict Prevention and Resolution Forum (CPRF).  October 26, 2012.

  • A panel presentation “One Day after Peace.” at the United Nations Headquarter. New York.October 9, 2012. (Sponsored by: Strategic Communications Division, United Nations Department of Public Information.)

  • Presentation on: “Palestinian and Arab Israelis, the Peace Process, and a Two State Solution.” J Street Annual Conference, March, 26, 2012

  • Chair International Conference on:  Reclaiming the Power of Nonviolence: Success, Obstacles,and Sustainability of Nonviolence Movements in the Arab Spring. American University. SIS. Center for Peacebuilding and Development. March 29-30, 2012.

  • Moderated a panel on Marginalized Groups in Nonviolent Political and Social Movements. In  The International Conference on Reclaiming the Power of Nonviolence: Success, Obstacles, and Sustainability of Nonviolence Movements in the Arab Spring.  American University, SIS, Center for Peacebuilding and Development. March 29-30, 2012.

  • Panel presentation on Diplomacy, nonviolence, and Israel- Palestine Peace Work. at Busboys and Poets March 4th, 2012. (Sponsored by Answer and Code Pink movement).

  • Panel Presentation on: Principled Peace: Jewish, Christian and Muslim Perspectives. Book Launch, USIP, 2-27-2012

  • Presentation on: “The Impacts of Occupation on Israel/ Palestine”, Swarthmore College, Feb. 20, 2012 (sponsored by Students for Justice in Palestine-SPJ)

  • Keynote speaker at Moberg Conference: Interfaith Dialogue and Reconciliation. On Interfaith Dialogue: Lessons Learned and Obstacles. Bethel University. February 18-19, 2012.

  • Lectured “Multi‐Track Diplomacy in the 21st Century.” The Institute for Multi‐Track  Diplomacy and the Project on Leadership and Building State Capacity. Woodrow Wilson February 11, 2011

  • Lectured on Nonviolence Resistance in Islam. In: Peacebuilding. Graduate Class at Georgetown University. February 9, 2011.

  • Lectured on Nonviolence and Protest in Arab Spring. In: Revolution? Transformation:  Perspectives on the Upheaval in the Arab World. American University. IDPSA PSAMiddle Eastern Studies Council February 15, 2011. 

  • Lectured on Arabs in Israel. In American University Course: Israeli Society. April 5, 2011.

  • Lectured on Dialogue and Facilitation. For Dialogue Development Group (DDG) At American University. March 24, 2011.

  • Panel presentation on: “Religious Peacebuilding by Non-State Actors: Critical examination” in Religion and Peacemaking: Reflections on Current Challenges and Future Prospects (An Event Marking the Tenth Anniversary of the Religion and Peacemaking Program) USIP, November, 11, 2011.

  • Panel presentations, “Education, Governance, and Inspiration: Making a Tapestry of Hope” and “Civic Education in the Muslim World: Lessons Learned.” International Conference on Initiatives in Education, Science and Culture towards Enhanced U.S.-Muslim Countries’ Collaboration. Bibliotheca Alexandria, Egypt, June 16-18, 2010.

  • Panel presentation, “Nonviolence Resistance: Possibilities and Challenges for Arabs in Israel.” Ibn Khaldoun Center and Galilee Association. Israel, July 6, 2010.

  • Lecture, “Interfaith Dialogue and Reconciliation.” ARD office, Sri Lanka. November 4, 2010.

  • Panel presentation, “Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process.” One-Voice, American University, Washington, DC. February 2010.

  • Lecture, “Religion and Peacebuilding: Islamic Perspective.” Guilford College, April 1, 2010.

  • Lecture, “Islamic Peacebuilding in Niger and Chad” for a class at George Mason University Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution. December 3, 2010.

  • Lecture, “Civic Education in the Iraqi Education System.” United States Institute of Peace, February 9, 2010.

  • Presentation, “Pluralism and Interfaith in Middle East: Role of Religious Peacebuilding.” Rumi Forum, Washington, DC, January 21, 2009.

  • Lecture, “Islamic Peace Education” for Pakistani Madrassa Leaders’ Delegation. International Center for Religion and Diplomacy, February 4, 2009.

  • Seminar, “Basic Conflict Resolution Approaches and Cultural Differences.” Defense Information School. Maryland, February 5, 2009.

  • Lecture, “Cultural Differences and Conflict Resolution” for National Defense University. Sponsored by Institute for Multi-Track Diplomacy. Washington, DC, February 12, March 4, September 30, and October 7, 2009.

  • Seminar on Interfaith Dialogue Manual. United States Institute of Peace. Airlie House, Warrenton, Va., February 28, 2009.

  • Roundtable Panel, “Religion and Peacebuilding”—discussion on the state of the field in the U.S. United States Institute of Peace. April 17, 2009.

  • Facilitated Middle East Crisis session on campus with Arab and Jewish students—responses to the war on Gaza. American University Dialogue Development Group. January 2009.

  • “Training in Peace and Conflict in the Middle East: Iran and Israel-Palestine” for interpreters in the Middle East. L-3 Communications. Maryland, July 17, 2009.

  • Lecture, “Dialogue and Facilitation” for American University Dialogue Development Group facilitators. October 2009.

  • Lecture, “Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process and Conflict.” Washington Semester on Foreign Policy. November 5, 2009.

  • Lecture, “Interfaith Dialogue in the Middle East: Lessons and Obstacles.” Yale Divinity School, November 9, 2009.

  • Facilitated a Panel Presentation, “Jerusalem Women Peace Talk.” Partners for Peace. American University, October 21, 2009.

  • “Pluralism and Peace in the Middle East: The Role of Religious Activists.” Rumi Forum. Washington, DC, January 21, 2009.

  • Presentation, “Crisis in the Middle East.” American University Dialogue Development Group. January 19, 2009.

  • Commentary on the War on Gaza. Peace Murals Exhibition, American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee. Washington, DC, January 18, 2009.

  • Lecture, “Training Madrassa Teachers: Assessment Findings.” United States Institute of Peace. Washington, DC, November 17, 2008.

  • Panel presentation, “Alternatives to War Project: Islamic Perspective.” November 12, 2008.

  • Lecture, “Islamic Peacebuilding and Education” for Pakistani and Indian Higher Education Delegation leaders. American University, October 21, 2008.

  • Lecture, “Interfaith Dialogue in the Middle East.” Tent of Abraham-Baltimore. Sponsored by American Friends Service Committee. October 12, 2008.

  • Lecture, “Leadership and Conflict Resolution.” Leadership Exchange Program, Center for Strategic and International Studies. October 7, 2008.

  • “Mediation Careers.” Longfellow Middle School Peer Mediation Class. McLean, Va., October 14, 2008.

  • Lecture by video conference, “Nonviolence and Peacebuilding in Islam” (launch of the Arabic translation of Nonviolence and Peacebuilding in Islam). Islamic Sharia School, Jordan University. December 18, 2008.

  • Presentation, “Islam and Peace.” American University Muslim Students’ Association and the Mohammed Said Farsi Chair of Islamic Peace. November 20, 2008.

  • Lecture, “Interfaith Dialogues.” First United States Institute of Peace interfaith dialogue course. November 3, 2008.

  • Lecture, “Conflict Resolution in an Arab Context.” Iraqi Women for Human Rights and Peacebuilding Delegation. American University, October 21, 2008.

  • Lecture, “Culture of Peace” and “Conflict Areas and Role of the Military” at the National Defense University. Sponsored by Institute for Multi-Track Diplomacy. February 13, March 5, October 8 and 14, 2008.

  • Lecture, “Culture and Conflict Resolution.” Defense Information School. April 11, 2008.

  • Lecture, “Israeli-Palestinian Peace and Dialogue Work.” Mount Vernon Presbyterian Church. Alexandria, Va., February 24, 2008.

  • Review Panel: “Engaging Islam” Report, with small group of experts invited by Dennis Ross (President Clinton’s special envoy to the Middle East). Washington Institute for Near East Policy. February, 25, 2008.

  • Lecture, “Peacebuilding Program Evaluation: Challenges and Possibilities.” ALLMEP conference (an umbrella organization for over 200 Arab Jewish programs for peace). Washington, DC, March 11, 2008.

  • Panel presentation, “Christian-Muslim Dialogue: Beyond the Basic Commonalities.” The Future of Christian-Muslim Relations: Where Do We Go from Here (Muslim-Christian conference). Georgetown University. Washington, DC, March 13, 2008.

  • Class guest lecture, “Lessons Learned in Evaluation of Peacebuilding.” American University. March 20, 2008.

  • Discussion group, “The Future of Dialogue and Problem-Solving Workshops.” Point of View. George Mason University Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution. April 25, 2008.

  • Training, “Peace and Conflict Resolution” for Muslim Ulama. Nonviolence International. Aceh, Indonesia, April 2-6, 2008.

  • Lecture, “Evaluating Peace Programs in War Zones.” George Mason University Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, Working Group on Colombia. May 19, 2008.

  • Lecture for online course, “Lessons Learned on Evaluating Peace and Conflict Resolution Programs in Conflict Zones.” How to Change the World ( May 30, 2008.

  • Closed discussion group participant, “Advancing the Interfaith Youth Movement” with Interfaith Youth Corps, cosponsored by Religion and Peace. United States Institute for Peace. June 10, 2008.

  • Lecture, “Evaluation of Peacebuilding Programs in Conflict Areas: Preliminary Results” for United States Institute of Peace staff and outside guests. June 17, 2008.

  • “Peace and Coexistence Education: What Can Research Offer?” Haifa University—Center for Research on Peace Education and the Jewish Arab Center. Haifa, Israel, July 6, 2008.

  • “Peace and Conflict Resolution: Application to Palestinians in Israel.” Duroob Institute for Leadership Development and Social Growth. Yarka, Israel, July 5, 2008.

  • Briefing on the American Muslim peace delegation to Iran, with Qamar al Huda of United States Institute of Peace at the office of U.S. Rep. Moran (of Virginia). February 13, 2008.

  • Keynote Address, American University School of International Service Portal Orientation. August 24, 2007.

  • “Middle East Peace: A Panel Discussion on Israel, Palestine, and Lebanon.” American University— Society for Peace and Conflict Resolution, Center for Global Peace, and Arab Studies. April 4, 2007.

  • “Dialogue on Islamic Peacemaking: Report on a Mission to Iran.” United States Institute of Peace, November 20, 2007.

  • “The Role of Religion in Conflict Prevention and Peacemaking.” The United Nations Association (National Capital Area) Young Professionals for International Cooperation And International Consortium on Religion, Culture, and Dialogue Peace and Security. February 28, 2007.

  • Lecture, “Islamic Sources of Peace and Intrafaith Dialogue” for Pakistani leaders of main madrassa systems as Fulbright visitors. ICRD. Washington, DC, June 4, 2007.

  • Lecture, “Multi-Track Diplomacy” for staff of United Arab Emirate Embassy. September 2007.

  • Lecture, “Assessment of Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Based on Mearsheimer-Walt Report” for members of Network of Spiritual Progressives and Tikkun. September 12, 2007.

  • “Human Differences in Social Conflict” and “Cross Cultural Communication.” National Defense University Industrial College of the Armed Forces. February and April 2007.

  • “Arab Jewish Dialogue Models.” George Washington University Elliott School of International Affairs, graduate program in Middle East Studies. November 2007.

  • Lecture, “Islamic Sources of Peace” for 20 Fulbright exchange visitors from Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh. American University. November 6, 2007.

  • “Nonviolence, Conflict Resolution, and Democracy.” Conference on Elections for participants form various Gulf States. American University Center for Elections and Democracy. December 14, 2007.

  • Lecture, “Peacebuilding and Interfaith Dialogue in the Middle East.” The Religion, Conflict, and Peacebuilding Initiative, Emory University. Atlanta, 2007.

  • Panel Presentation, “Arabs and the West” (a response to Milton Viorst book). George Mason University Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, Point of View Keynote. 2006.

  • Panelist, “Crisis in Lebanon, Israel and Gaza.” American University Arab Studies Program and Middle East Research and Information Project. 2006.

  • Panel presentation, “Future of Peace in the Holy Land.” Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation Eighth International Conference. Washington, DC, October 20-21, 2006.

  • Lecture, “Evaluation of Peacebuilding and Development Programs in Conflict and Humanitarian Crisis Areas.” U.S. Agency for International Development, Office of Conflict Management and Mitigation. Washington, DC, 2006.

  • Lecture, “Peacebuilding and Negotiation.” U.S. Agency for International Development delegation of political leaders from Darfur. Washington, DC, 2006.

  • Lecture, “Peacebuilding and Development in Conflict Zones.” Academy for Educational Development. Washington, DC, 2006.

  • “Israeli-Palestinian Elections and Their Implications on the Future of the Region.” American University School of International Service. 2006.

  • “The Humanitarian Condition in Palestine and the Potential Impact of Stopping Aid.” American University, Students for Justice in Palestine. 2006.

  • Lecture, “Peacebuilding in Islam.” Fuller Seminary Advisory Board Annual Meeting. Washington, DC, February 2005.

  • Lecture, “The Peacebuilding Field.” American University Wilson Center, Leadership Training. July 2010.

  • Presentation, “Evaluation in Peacebuilding and Development.” Chemonics. Washington, DC, 2005.

  • “Interfaith Dialogue in the Middle East.” American University School of International Service, Faculty Symposium. 2005.

  • Lecture, “Islam, Peacebuilding, and Nonviolence.” Sabanci University, Turkey. April 5, 2005.

  • Panel presentation, “Islam and Peace.” Fuller Seminary Board of Trustees meeting. Washington, DC, February 2, 2005.

  • Lecture, “Dialogue and Conflict Resolution in Israel-Palestine.” University of Maryland Center for Conflict Management. January 7, 2005.

  • Panel, “Middle East: The Prospects for Peace.” American University office of University Chaplains. 2005.

  • Panel presentation, “Abrahamic Traditions: Path to Reconciliation and Peace.” Interfaith Alliance. Washington, DC, 2004.

  • Panel discussion, “Remembering Arafat: Reflections on the Past, Vision for the Future.” American University, 2004.

  • Presentation, “Nonviolence and Peacebuilding in Israel-Palestine.” Ezekiel’s Place Retreat Center. West Virginia, 2004.

  • Lecture, “Prospects for Peace in the Middle East.” McDaniel College. 2004.

  • “The Road to Peace in Israel-Palestine: Challenges and Possibilities.” American University, Kay Chapel. 2004.

  • Panel participant, “Exploring Dynamics between Community-Driven Development and Conflict Management.” CHF International and Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies. 2004.

  • “Geneva Declaration: Between Hope and Manipulation.” Washington Arab-Jewish Network. December 9, 2003.

  • Presentation, “The Road to Justice and Peace: Israeli-Palestinian Reconciliation.” University of Notre Dame Joan B. Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies. March 19, 2003.

  • Discussant of film on Israeli-Jewish settlers. Film was shown for general public and undergraduate class. University of Notre Dame Joan B. Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies. March 2003.

  • Presentation, “Jerusalem and the History of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.” University of Notre Dame Department of History. April 2003.

  • Presentation, “Interfaith Dialogue in Israel-Palestine.” United States Capitol. Washington, DC, April 1, 2003.

  • “The Role of Faith in Promoting Peace in the Middle East.” United States Institute for Peace and Faith and Politics Institute. 2003.

  • Lecture, “Peacebuilding and Development: Necessary Linkages.” George Washington University graduate seminar.  November 12, 2003.

  • Presentation, “Interfaith Dialogue: Obstacles and Possibilities in the Middle East.” Washington National Cathedral conference Waging Peace. April 8, 2003.

  • Presentation, “Israeli-Palestinian Dialogue” with Marc Gopin. Public Affairs Conference: “The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.” Principia College, Ill. April 11-12, 2003.

  • Convocation Ceremony Speaker, George Mason University Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution. May 17, 2003.

  • Panel presentation, “National Security, Multiculturalism and Peacebuilding.” Promoting Leadership in an Evolving Multicultural Landscape conference, National MultiCultural Institute. May 29, 2003.

  • Presentation, “Interfaith Dialogue: Approaches and Models.” Deepening Our Commitment to Interfaith Peacebuilding conference. United Religions Initiative. Washington, DC, June 26, 2003.

  • Presentation, “Effectiveness of Interethnic Dialogue.” Neve Shalom Board. June 23, 2003, Washington, DC, 2003.

  • Keynote speaker, Interreligious Solidarity for Peace Conference. Zamboanga City, Mindanao, Philippines, June 15-16, 2003.

  • Presentation, “Conditions for Effective Israeli-Palestinian Dialogue.” Israeli and Palestinian women and Nonviolent Action Project. Washington, DC, July 2003.

  • Presentation, “Israeli-Palestinian Dialogue: Process and Outcome.” Capitol Hill Dialogue Group. July 2003.

  • Facilitated a meeting for advocates for Palestinian nonviolence, peace, and solidarity in DC area—22 organizations. American University Students for Palestine and Nonviolence International. September 17, 2003.

  • Lecture, “Conflict Resolution and Culture” for humanitarian aid officers. George Mason University. Center for Public Policy. March 28, 2002.

  • Presentation, “Arab and Muslim Culture” for U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms employees. Nashville, Tenn. 2002.

  • Israeli-Palestinian Dialogue Group. Institute for Multi Track Diplomacy. January 7, 2002.

  • Lecture, “Strategies of Nonviolence and Peace.” Nonviolent Resistance in Palestine. Nonviolence International. March 10, 2002.

  • Lecture, “Conflict Resolution” for political leaders from Mindanao, Philippines. Phelps Stokes Fund. American University, 2002.

  • “Islam and Peacebuilding.” Columbia University International Conflict Resolution program. 2002.

  • Lecture, “The Muslim World and How It Views the West.” Arthur F. Burns Fellowship Program. Washington, DC, 2002.

  • Panel, “Voices against the War on Iraq.” George Mason University Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution. September 27, 2002.

  • “The Middle East Conflict: Its Impact on Christian-Muslim Relations.” Bethel College, Kansas, 2002.

  • Lecture, “Conflict Prevention and AID: Institutional Aspects.” U.S. Agency for International Development Policy Forum. 2002.

  • Lecture, “Reconciliation and Justice.” Peace Café, AJR Theater. Washington, DC, 2002.

  • “Nonviolence and Peacebuilding in Islam.” University of Notre Dame Joan B. Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies. 2002.

  • Presentation, “Views of the West in Islamic Societies.” Arthur F. Burns Fellowship Program, International Center for Journalists. Washington, DC, 2002.

  • Presentation, “The Arab-Israel Conflict” to an incoming freshman class. University of Notre Dame Joan B. Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies. April 25, 2002.

  • Panel discussion, “Role of Faith in Peacemaking: An Islamic Perspective.” United States Institute of Peace. 2001.

  • Panel discussion, “Muslims and Arabs in America” for National Press Club. United States Department of State, 2001.

  • A panel discussion, “Diversity within Islam.” National MultiCultural Institute. 2001.

  • Panel presentation, “Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.” United States Institute of Peace, Conference of National Council for the Social Studies. 2001.

  • Digital Video Conference, “Islam and September 11” with American Embassy of South Africa and American Embassy in Bangkok. United States Department of State. 2001.

  • Presentation, “Islam in the U.S.” for international visitors from Philippines. Phelps Stokes Fund. 2001.

  • Panel presentation, “Redefining Power in the 21st Century: Military, Economic and Spiritual Options.” Boston Research Center for the 21st Century and Thoreau Society. 2001.

  • Panel discussion and Town Meeting on Palestinian Intifada. American University, 2001.

  • “Islam, Peace and 9/11.” Hyattsville Mennonite Church, Adult Sunday School. Maryland, 2001.

  • “Islam and Peace.” Chevy Chase United Methodist Church, Adult Sunday School. 2001.

  • Presentation, “September 11: Impact on Islam and the U.S.” Rotary Club of Bethesda/Chevy Chase. 2001.

  • Presentation, “Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.” American University Washington Semester Program. 2001.

  • Presentation, “September 11 and International Development.” American University Friday Forum, International Development Program. 2001.

  • Presentation, “Religion and Non-Violence: The Case of Islam.” American University Research Seminar. 2001.

  • Brown Bag Lecture, “The Collapse of another Myth.” George Mason University Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution. 2000.

  • Lecture, “Multiculturalism and Conflict Resolution.” American University, Humphrey Fellowship. 2001.

  • Presentation, “Towards Balance: Even-Handed American Policy to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.” State Department Open Forum. 2001.

  • Discussion, “Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Second Intifada” (book launching event). Institute for Multi-Track Diplomacy. 2001.

  • Advisory member for Canadian Parliamentary initiative on Israeli-Palestinian Peace Delegation. Halifax Peace Forum. 2001.

  • Presentation, “Conflict Resolution and Culture” for a Korean NGO delegation. American Friends Service Committee. Washington, DC, 2001.

  • Lecture, “Conflict Resolution.” National Student Leadership. American University. 2001.

  • “Peacebuilding and Development: Manual for Trainers.” Catholic Relief Services. Baltimore, 2001.

  • Presentation, “Principles and Opportunities in the Conflict Resolution Field.” Melton Foundation Conflict Resolution Group. 2000.

  • Participant in discussion group, “Islam and Peace.” Religion and Peace. United States Institute of Peace. 2000.

  • “Arab-Jewish Dialogue in Israel and Its Relevance for Conflict Resolution.” Hebrew University Truman Institute. 2000.

  • “Arabs and Jews in Israel: Recent Events and Alternatives for Coexistence.” Lecture Series on the Middle East, John Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies and Search for Common Ground. 2000.

  • “Dialogue and Education for Peace in Israel.” World Bank Lecture Series. Washington, DC, 2000.

  • Roundtable on Conflict and Peace Studies (Ph.D. Seminar). American University. 2000.

  • Panel participant, “Conversation on the Middle East.” American University. 2000.

  • Presentation, “Recent Developments in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.” Middle East Group, George Mason University Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution. 2000.

  • Panel presentation, “Careers in Conflict Resolution.” George Mason University Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution. 2000.

  • Panel member, “Encounters between Arabs and Jews in Israel: Dialogue and Control.” Arab-Jewish Encounters conference, American University. 1999.

  • Presentation, “Conflict Resolution” for Arab and Jewish Media delegates. Meridian International House. Washington, DC, 1999.

  • Panel presentation, “Dialogue Limitations and Potential.” Web-Based Encounter Group for Israeli-Palestinian Dialogue. American University. 1999.

  • Presentation, “The Growing Field of Conflict Resolution.” Vision in Action: Volunteers in International Development. American University. 1999.

  • Presentation, “The Basic Principles of Conflict Resolution.” Marymount University, International Students Office. 1999.

  • Keynote Speaker, “Peacebuilding in the Middle East: Some Lessons Learned.” Frontier Luncheon, Eastern Mennonite University. Harrisonburg, Va., 1998.

  • “Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.” American University Close Up program. Washington, DC, 1998.

  • Lecture, “Conflict Resolution Methods and Culture.” Media, Culture and Conflict Resolution: A Training Workshop. United States Institute of Peace. Baltimore, 1997.

  • “Arab-Jewish Conflict: Building Bridges for Peace.” Beit Hillel, Arab Students’ Association, and VISA: International Student Association. Gainesville, Fla., 1997.

  • “Conflict Resolution and Dialogue: A Middle East Case Study.” Educating for Global Citizenship, American University. Washington, DC, 1997.

  • Lecture, “Middle East Conflict: A Conflict Resolution Perspective.” Methodist Church Educational Program. Washington, DC, 1997.

  • Presentation, “Jerusalem and the Peace Process.” Guilford College. Greensboro, NC, 1997.

  • Lecture, “Power and Culture in Mediation.” Durham Dispute Resolution Center. Durham, NC, 1997.

  • Guest lecture, “The Current Challenges in the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process.” Friends Meeting House. Greensboro, NC, 1997.

  • “Education for Peace among Arabs and Jews.” Abraham Fund. New York, 1997.

  • Seminar, “Jews and Arabs in Israel: The Quest for Coexistence.” Abraham Fund and National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership. Fort Lauderdale, Fla., 1996.

  • Lecture, “Palestinian-Israeli Settlements: What’s Next?” American Friends Service Committee Meeting. Greensboro, NC, 1995.

  • Lecture, “Intervention Models for the Improvement of Racial and Ethnic Relations.” Committee on Race and Gender, University of North Carolina at Greensboro. 1995.

  • Led workshop, “Education for Multiculturalism” with Terry Austin. New Garden Friends School. Greensboro, NC, 1995.

  • “Coexistence and Arab-Jewish Relations in Israel.” National Jewish Community Relations Advisory Council. Boston, 1995

  • Keynote speaker in opening ceremony, “Art for Peace” exhibit (Palestinian and Israeli children’s art work for peace). Givat Haviva. Washington, DC, 1994 and 1992.

  • Lecture, “Support and Opposition to the Peace Process in the Middle East.” University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 1994.

  • “Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process Prospects.” Duchess Community College and Rochester University. 1993.

  • “Current Peace Process in the Middle East,” a week-long lecture series. Oregon Interreligious Committee. 1991.

  • Series of presentations, “The Gulf War and the Intifada.” Northern Virginia and Washington, DC, 1991.

  • Lecture tour, “Arab-Jewish Relations, and on Israeli Palestinian Intifada.” Cleveland Ohio, 1990.

  • Lecture tour, “The Gulf War and the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict.” Iowa Peace Institute. 1990.

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